Advanced MasterClass in Selling High Value and Complex Deals

Complex, high value sales are by their definition technically, financially and commercially challenging. They are challenging to procure and challenging to sell, especially against highly resourced and skilful competition. Not only are they costly to find, but they are usually very costly to bid for. If you are a vendor of complex products or services and there is an opportunity to improve the odds of winning and reduce the risk of failing to win a piece of such business by understanding the processes required to win more thoroughly, it must be taken. Such processes are lead generation, qualification, value proposition development, proposing and presenting, closing the deal, leveraging and expanding.

The course is specifically designed for senior sales people involved in high value complex deals taking many months, in some cases years, to move from inception to closure. It provides methods, processes, approaches and insights regarding how to qualify, propose, close and develop such opportunities.


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