Insurance MasterClass

This course is designed to provide training to both insurance professionals and decision makers and help advance practice in Strategic planning in the insurance sector. During the two days of the Master class we will address recent challenges of insurance operations, adapt to the new guidelines (Solvency II) and implement strategies to exploit the prospects of the future. The setup will be a combination of short lectures, interactive discussions and brainstorming sessions amongst the participants and the expert. Benefits of the course include:

  • Provide knowledge of the environment in which businesses operate
  • Introduce the basic concepts and analytical tools of strategic management
  • Illustrate how ideas drawn from a number of disciplines, such as marketing, microeconomics, financial theory and organizational behavior can be employed to address the central concerns of strategy
  • Understand of the application of principles of strategic management within insurance and other financial enterprises
  • Identify the strategic issues that currently face insurance and financial services firms and to position these issues in theirs wider economic and regulatory setting

Course brochure is under development, please send us your email address and we will inform you as soon as it is ready!


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