Executive Coaching


As a training and development business we are committed to the long-term development of your personnel and that is why we have now incorporated Executive Coaching as a key part of the services we provide.

Executive Coaching is extremely suitable in addressing the following elements:

  • Individual and organizational change, which will improve mission performance
  • Enable personal transformation and career-role transition
  • Support the development of future leaders for the organisation
  • Address a specific problem area or challenge
  • Facilitate the creation of an organizational culture that values learning, creativity and continuous improvement

Expert Partnering

  • You get access to our extensive knowledge and experience in designing and delivering the right coaching solution
  • You get our support immediately and for as long as you desire it into the future

Transformational Results

  • We guarantee clear, measurable and quantifiable results
  • The coaching process will be tied to the objectives of your company
  • We will monitor the process and provide feedback consistently to ensure value for your company
  • Everything we do is in service of delivering the key shifts the leaders and leadership teams need to make

Highest Global Standards

Through our global associations and benchmarking against the best processes and standards, our partners lead the regions’ coaching industry to new expert levels of delivery.

Coach Selection Process

Giving you the best coaches is the constant focus which is why we have a dedicated manager who’s sole mission is to find and test the coaching pool we operate.. Here is an insight into that process:

  • Step 1 – In-depth Coach Interview
  • Step 2 – Test/Simulation Coaching
  • Step 3 – References/Qualifications Check
  • Step 4 – On-boarding

On-going Coach Performance Review

Constant development feedback to our coaches from the data we collect serves to keep our standards high and keep our coaches growing so we can consistently deliver the best result to you.

International Coach Federation Members

ICF_20LogoDelivering a quality, consistent and powerful service is a key focus. For this reason our associates and partners are members of the International Coach Federation (ICF), the largest and most professional coaching global governing body. ICF membership is important to your organisation for a number of reasons:

  • Provides peace of mind that you are dealing with qualified coaches with a stated and measurable level of experience.
  • Ensures that the coaches are qualified in team and executive coaching models that are effective and are recognised by the legitimate coaching community.
  • Ensures that the coaches are committed to personal ongoing coaching development and assessment.
  • The coaches operate at the highest levels of ethical and professional behaviour.

For more information on our Executive Coaching options, please contact: marie-louise@innoverto.com

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