Organisational Consulting


Commercial Management


  • International Contracting
  • General Contract Aspects
  • Contract Administration
  • Claim Management
  • Proposal Management
  • Negotiation

The above areas are interchangeable. Each of them can be addressed separately subject to an organisation’s needs as part of a consulting and/or training program or can be addressed as a whole, constituting a complete and comprehensive Commercial Management Formation Program.

Target attendees

Program attendees are expected to be managers and employees involved in commercial aspects of company management, such as:

  • Proposal managers and proposal engineers
  • Sales managers and sales engineers
  • Engineering and other functions who support commercial processes
  • Personnel that is going to move from other roles to commercial roles

Corporate Excellence


  • EFQM Self-Assessment
  • Change Management
  • Innovation Facilitation
  • Workshop Facilitation

Corporate Responsibility


  • Gap Analysis
    • Sustainability Assessment Tool (on-line tool)
      • How do you know how Sustainable your organization really is?
      • How do you know where your organization can improve?
      • How do you know what exactly you should do to improve?For this reason, we offer the on-line Sustainability Assessment Tool (SAT), which enables you to quantitatively assess and graphically represent how Sustainable and Responsible you are, in order to take strategic decisions on which areas to focus on, tactical decisions on which sub-areas to improve, as well as utilize a tailor made pool of suggested improvements to easily develop a 3-5 year action plan.
  • Benchmarking Studies
  • Sustainability e-Learning (on-line course)
  • Internal Organization (GRI, AA1000, EFQM, ISO26000):
    • Strategy Development
    • Materiality Assessment
    • Stakeholder Engagement
    • Data Collection (on-line tool)
      • How do you collect data to populate your Responsibility and Sustainability Report?
      • How efficient and effective is the use of word documents, excel sheets etc. to collect data?
      • How much time do you spend on following up?For this reason, we offer the on-line Data Collection Tool (DCT) to gather data required to populate your Report, which enables you to manage the whole process in a user friendly and secure way as it:
      • Addresses all issues related to sustainability and responsibility, structured around 7 Areas (Management, Owners, Employees, Suppliers, Customers, Community, Environment) and 48 sub-Areas
      • Provides a pool of over 600 indicators to choose from (exceeding those used in most guidelines, such as GRI, AA1000, ISO26000, EFQM), as well as the functionality to add new, organization specific indicators
      • Enables you to easily assign each indicator to a single user and send an automated unique username/password to each user
      • Enables each user to register data, attach documents, add clarifications and easily monitor pending fields on a single screen
      • Enables you to easily review not completed indicators to follow up through automated reminders
      • Provides a combined real time report of all registered data, as well as the option to export data
  • Communication & Reporting:
    • CR Communication
    • CR Report Development
    • CR Report Coaching
    • CR Report Assurance

Environmental Management


  • Internal Organization:
    • Strategy Development
    • Risk-Impact Assessment
    • Data Collection
  • Program Development:
    • Energy modeling
  • Communication-Reporting:
    • Environmental Report

Human Capital: Organization, Strategy and Talent


  • Leadership, C-Suite and Organizational Governance
    • Delegation of authority
    • Forums for dialog and decision-making
    • Roles and responsibilities
    • Matrix accountability
  • Strategic Planning & Alignments
    • Strategic alignment workshops
    • Strategic planning
    • Organizing to implement
  • Talent and Organizational Culture
    • Senior leadership selection
    • Leadership team effectiveness
    • Talent attraction and retention
    • Professional development
    • Succession planning
    • Culture mapping & cultural change
  • Performance Management
    • Setting goals and objectives
    • Performance review and feedback
    • Rewards and consequences
    • Building a performance culture
  • Leadership Development
    • Crafting a leadership style
    • Presence and personal branding
    • Leading teams
    • Leading organizations
    • Leading without boundaries
  • Management Skills Development
    • Business communications
    • Interpersonal effectiveness
    • Project management
    • Conflict resolution
    • Sales excellence
    • Consultative selling
  • Building of Key functions or Restructuring Existing Divisions within the Organization
    • HR
    • Organizational development
    • Learning and development
  • Managing Change
    • Team Effectiveness
    • Vision & Mission Statement
    • Stakeholder Management
    • Communication Plan
    • Sustaining Change

People Management


  • Self Awareness: An important professional competency for both employees and leaders is self-awareness (the conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives and desires).For this reason, we offer MyProfile, an online psychometric self awareness tool (powered by Humantelligence), which provides detailed feedback on a person’s motivators.
  • Team Managament: The best managers—the ones who keep their teams engaged and productive and are considered invaluable assets to their organizations—are those who embrace the modern principles of human motivation and behavior to move the most passive team members, and they arm themselves with the data to understand what works and what doesn’t. For this reason we offer MyTeam, an online psychometric tool (powered by Humantelligence), which helps managers know precisely how to manage their team members effectively and efficiently (e.g. motivate, communicate, reward, lead), and measure their engagement levels regularly.
  • Culture Map: For years, researchers, organizations, and leaders have been battling with the challenge of how best to create a motivating and engaging work environment that is inspiring and maximizing the work passion and performance of employees. However, building a high performing organization requires better understanding not only of employees individually, but furthermore of an organization’s combined culture. For this reason we offer CultureMap, an online values based psychometric analysis tool (powered by Humantelligence), which measures and reports the organization’s combined Motivators-Values, Behavior, Ideal Work, Communication Style and Learning & Teaching style.
  • Culture Fit: Research in occupational and organizational psychology shows that the greatest indicator for high performance (someone who outperforms the expectations of a role), is cultural fit, not skills and knowledge, which are commonly the most used attributes in recruitment.For this reasons we offer CultureFit, an online employee selection tool (powered by Humantelligence), which helps organizations looking to hire the right employees, to select those with the best chances to succeed in the anticipated role, in the team and in the company.

Reputation Management


  • Reputation Risk Assessment

Contact us at or call +971 4 338 5690 to know more.

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