Women’s Empowerment Bootcamp
Women’s Empowerment Bootcamp
Leadership Development for women who are ready to break the glass ceiling!
Be Inspired.
Make an Impact.
Go Beyond your Limits!
What will it take to unlock your potential for the future?
Initiativez Women’s Empowerment Boot Camp is designed to build the leadership skills needed to help women advance and unlock their potential for a successful career. We deliver an interactive, engaging and experiential programme that is anchored to leadership models and managerial skills such as negotiation, giving and receiving feedback, persuading and influencing others, critical thinking, and innovation. Equally important are the interpersonal qualities of self-understanding, trust, communication, and mutual accountability. These skills combined lay the foundation for a successful future.
An experiential training programme designed to bring together the theory and the reality of leadership
For centuries, the military has been successful at bringing individuals together, building formidable forces against threat. The very origin of leadership was founded by military disciplines and today’s business environment is no less a battlefield, requiring strategy that is agile, execution that is swift and with teams that are unified.
Building teams means building cohesiveness. Building cohesiveness means having a goal and inspiring others to achieve that target. None of this happens without creating an unwavering level of trust that remains unaltered when faced with the first obstacle. Sharing adversity fosters trust like no other emotional experience. Collectively being on the front line strengthens a team’s level of engagement and motivation.
How we Manage Risk
Safety of both participants and instructors is the top priority of Initiativez during Boot Camp. Activities are undertaken in line with the strictest safety procedures, developed with international expertise to ensure maximum physical, emotional and social safety. All venues used by Initiativez during the Leadership Boot Camp are certified by the UK Health & Safety Executive’s Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA).
The Women’s Empowerment Boot Camp is designed for women who are eager to challenge themselves by pushing their boundaries and getting out of their comfort zone!
It will help participants reach their fullest potential and prepare them for future leadership roles.
Course Objectives
- Create an environment for self-exploration and risk-taking
- Support your career path with coaching and interview preparation
- Encourage effective team-work
- Better understand yourself and your leadership style
- Build the foundation for developing outstanding leadership skills
- Master the art of negotiation, influence and persuasion
- Develop trust and credibility
- Push you out of your comfort zone
- Enjoy a unique and intense adventure.
- Practice the art of Presentation skills and communication
- Defining and refining your personal ethics and values compass
What to expect from this course.
The journey to self awareness, building relationships with others and overcoming challenges is about falling down and getting back up. It means we will push people (just) outside of their comfort zone through amazing experiences because that’s where the learning happens. Whether it is interview skills practice or abseiling down the side of a mountain, we take the learning to a different level: interactive, lively and outside of the classroom.
Kickstarting your career success
The Initiativez’ Women’s Empowerment Boot Camp has a formula for developing your leadership skills in order for you to succeed in your career. Delivered over a duration of 6 days, it consists of the following ingredients:
- Adventure and group activities that develop your leadership skills and confidence.
- Opportunities to work on yourself, learn and practice adapting and connecting with others, and build resiliency for overcoming challenges
- A workbook embracing all the material for the entire programme
- Action plans for career development
Course Facilitators
Meet the course facilitators
Mark Wales
Mark Wales has extensive experience in military leadership training through his service in the Australian military. Mark has obtained his MBA from The Wharton School – UPENN and worked at McKinsey & Company – Global Management Consulting. Mark is specialised in experiential training and leadership development. He has gained a unique perspective and under-standing of the challenges that companies face on a day-to-day basis. This insight affords Mark an unparalleled understanding of the winning formula for today’s leaders.
“You will leave feeling empowered and ready for the challenges ahead.” , Marc Wales, Course Director
Workshop Details
Workshop Details
Date | Venue |
10 – 17 August 2018 | Lake District, UK |
Ticket (per Delegate) | Pricing |
Single | US$ 3,267 |
Shared | US$ 4,288 |
Note: The price includes adventures, accommodation and food during 1 week excluding travel expenses (flights and trains). Fees include VAT.
Download Brochure and Articles
To learn more and view the course outline fill the form below to download the brochure and related articles.