Certified Stores and Stock Controller
Why it Matters
Why would you even THINK about a certification on stores and controlling stock? Because of the amount and value of all the inventory that exists. Proper management of stock and the warehouse can give you a great advantage when competing in todays environment of the customer saying, “I want it now.” Take our class NOW, pass the exam, and take your place on the cutting edge of managing your warehouse and be seen as the knowledge leader by your company in stores and stock control.
Why Go for it
The Certified Stores and Stock Controller (CSSC) program is one of the best certification programs in the field of supply chain management. This program helps employers to provide an exceptional kick-start to transform both new and current employees to a work-to-do professional status to reach a high level of productivity in a very short time.
The CSSC Program provides the learners with a practical hands-on platform on which to develop their skills, both in the classroom and in the workplace. We left the theory at the door!
CSSC program enable employers to identify where the knowledge and training gaps are within their organization. Having a well-qualified and certified staff is a great competitive advantage and branding tool for a world-class business.
What you will learn
- The elements of warehousing and supply chain management
- The role warehousing plays in servicing customers
- The critical importance of risk and safety management in warehousing
- Safety Equipment, situations, and precautions
- The aspects of laying out a warehouse
- The equipment used in storage and handling materials
- The characteristics of managing stock
- The elements of maintaining accurate inventory
- The interaction of inbound logistics and the warehouse
- The warehouse as an important step in distribution
Transforming The Careers of Supply Chain Professionals & Assisting Organizations Transform Their Supply Chains into Value Chains
Releasing The Power Of Your Value Chain For Profits
Operating within a store’s environment and managing the large quantities and value of stock is a competitive advantage in today’s dynamic economy. Gaining this competitive advantage requires being able to identify the various operations within the store and recognizing the need to implement continuous improvement initiatives to make a store more productive. Being able to identify different categories of stock and knowing how to best ensure the right material is in the right place at the time it is needed.
The program covers the role of the store in the 21st Century, how the store fits into the greater supply chain, the roles and responsibilities of those that work in a stores environment, the need for safety and security of both personnel and stock, the receipt, storage and issuing of stock, as well as the proper management of a company’s valuable assets. Each of which presents a challenge to those responsible.
Who should attend
- Supply chain operations, production planning, procurement executives, supervisors, managers, and department heads, particularly those at the supervisory level tasked with managing inventories, quality control, product development, R&D, and business planning management activities.
- Manufacturing personnel, particularly those at an operational level tasked with participating in a manufacturing environment.
- Individuals wishing to enhance their knowledge of manufacturing, production, planning, methodology of supply chain operations. Employees who may interact with higher-level supply chain leaders and wish to feel on equal footing regarding knowledge.
- Manufacturing supervision, those entrusted with the operation of a company’s manufacturing facilities.
- Individuals wishing to enhance their knowledge of manufacturing and operations in the 21st Century.
- Career starters wishing to make manufacturing, production and inventory management a career within the supply chain. Bachelor’s and master’s level students who wish to supplement an advanced degree with an equally advanced supply chain certification to gain a competitive advantage in the job market.
- Warehousing and Supply Chain Management
- Roles, Responsibilities, and Relationships
- Customer Service
Learning Outcomes
- List and describe the objectives of store operations; name the different types of warehouses;
- Name and explain the areas of responsibility assigned to a store;
- Describe the components of a warehouse management system and the operation of a warehouse management system [WMS].
- Describe a range of leadership styles: identify applications for each
- Name and describe the principle duties of each job function in the store;
- Distinguish between a policy and a procedure; give examples of each in a store;
- Discuss the importance of providing a satisfactory level of customer service to both internal and external customers;
- Risk and Safety Management
- Warehouse Safety and PPE
- Emergency Situations and Precautions
Learning Outcomes
- Explain what a risk is; describe how risks can be identified and properly managed;
- Give a brief description of the Occupational Health and Safety Act as it applies to the operation of store activities;
- Identify areas in a warehouse where the potential for theft is evident; outline the actions to minimize those risks;
- Identify several potential accident situations; suggest ways to prevent their occurrence;
- Name the various categories of PPE (personal protective equipment); give examples of the application of each
- Discuss the roles and responsibilities of each role player in the event of an emergency;
- Explain the importance of maintaining discipline and clear-headedness during an emergency situation.
- Stores Layout
- Stores Productivity and Continuous Improvement
- Materials Handling and Storage Equipment
- Transportation
Learning Outcomes
- Explain the importance of allocating enough space for both the present and future needs to each warehousing activity;
- Explain the need to integrate the materials handling system into the store layout;
- Compare and contrast the various storage methods; give practical examples of the application of each;
- Define the term productivity; give examples of how productivity in the store can be increased;
- Describe the role of ergonomics in improving productivity;
- Name the classes of function-oriented materials handling systems; suggest an application for each;
- Compare and contrast the categories of materials transport systems; give an example from each category
- Classifying and Coding Stock
- Stock taking and Stock Audits
Learning Outcomes
- Name the primary purpose of classifying and coding stock in both a manufacturing and distribution environment;
- Compare and contrast bar-coding technology with the use of radio frequency [RFID] identification technology;
- Give the advantages and disadvantages of a range of automated data collection techniques;
- Give the primary purpose of taking stock and reconciling the actual count with the book count;
- Explain how the ABC principle can be utilized in determining the frequency by which an item is counted;
- List the key steps to a stock reduction program; highlight the significance of each step.
- Inbound Logistics
- Stock Issues
- Stock Returns
- Reverse Logistics
- Distribution Management
Learning Outcomes
- With the aid of a flow diagram, describe each step in the receiving process;
- Explain the need to identify all incoming goods prior to them being placed into storage.
- With the aid of a flow diagram, explain each step in the issuing process;
- Name the types of issues; explain where each would be appropriate;
- Explain the various ways in which picking can be carried out; give the advantages of each method;
- Explain the importance of reverse logistics both from an economic and an environmental perspective;
- With the use of examples, differentiate between the different types of recovery options.
Program Details
- USD 1450
Assessment Criteria
- Introduction To Stores And Stock Control – 10%
- Stores Safety And Security -15%
- Store Operations – 25%
- Stock Identification And Stock Control – 20%
- Stock Movement – 30%
Final Exam
- Duration: 180 Minutes
- Questions: 100 – MCQs
- Examination: Online Proctored
- Passing Criteria: 60%
- 1 Final Exam Retake is Free-of-Charge if Unsuccessful in first attempt
Practice Exam(s)
- Duration: 30 Minutes for each module
- Questions: 10 MCQs and 10 T/F
- Examination: Online
- Passing Criteria: Self Assessment
- Self Assessment Questions for Each Module
During the past three decades several supply chain certification bodies have been established; however, in the main most of the education offerings have concentrated on the theoretical aspects of the subject matter and fell short on the practical applications.
These certification programs enhance the thought process of the professionals, but many certified professionals are unable to implement the theory into practice without some extra help along the way. So, after several years of research, VCARE Academy has taken the initiative and is launching a series of supply chain certification programs to fill the existing gap in the supply chain education. These certification programs are purely based on the practical aspect of the many facets of the supply chain.
We can help you improve your supply chain expertise, and at the same time, enhance your company’s supply chain capabilities.