WorkScape Circle

  • Dates: 21, August 2024
  • Location: Artipelag, Stockholm, Sweden
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August 21, 2024

We are inviting a selection of leaders from around the world to an exclusive escape into the Swedish landscape to get together, get inspired, and get ahead in shaping the future digital workplace.

Join the Circle

This exclusive, invitation-only event offers a platform for in-depth discussions and the exchange of ideas among industry peers. As an in-person event, it ensures a private atmosphere where sessions will not be recorded, allowing participants to gain insights from experts and share best practices intimately.

Who is invited

Who is Invited

WorkScape Circle is uniquely designed for leaders and executives shaping the digital workplaces of the future, focusing on investment optimization, employee engagement, and innovation within the digital workplace.

Who is invited


The attendance fee of 750 USD ensures an extraordinary experience, underpinning the exceptional quality and exclusivity of the event. Payment can be made via credit card or invoice.

Meet the Organizers

Marie-Louise Adlercreutz
CEO Innoverto

Founded in Dubai, by Swedish national Marie-Louise Adlercreutz, Innoverto is a leading provider of business events and corporate training solutions. With expertise in tailoring training programs that enhance professional skills and organizational performance, Innoverto has delivered hundreds of executive trainings and events all over the world covering topics such as digital transformation, AI implementation and leadership skills development.

Ulrika Hedlund
CEO Storyals

Storyals is a Swedish EdTech innovator at the forefront of digital upskilling. With a mission to inspire, motivate, and educate business users on new digital ways of working through the power of storytelling, Storyals empowers users to reach their full potential and prepares them for the future with a focus on AI in the digital workplace.

The Agenda

8.00 AM – Transportation to Artipelag

At 8.00 we will gather at Stockholm Central Station and jointly get on a bus to Artipelag which is located in Gustavsberg, 20 min from the center of Stockholm in the archipelago.

8.30 – Breakfast mingle

To kick off our day, we’ll enjoy a traditional Swedish breakfast, priming us for a day filled with insightful discussions. You’ll then join specially selected groups, fostering a dynamic knowledge exchange aligned with your specific industry and region.

9.00 – 12.00 – Effective AI Strategies (2 sessions)

After breakfast, we will transition to the Artist room, where you will be seated as per your assigned group. The morning will be dedicated to the first topic: Strategies for Successful Use of AI in the Digital Workplace.

12.00 – Lunch

At midday, we’ll take a moment to gather for a shared lunch. This interlude will not only offer a chance to indulge in the flavors of Sweden but also further foster connections and conversations amidst the spectacular backdrop of art and nature.

13.00 – 15.00 – Enhancing Employee Productivity (2 Sessions)

Filled with energy after having enjoyed a spectacular lunch, we will transition focus to the well-being of employees in a tech-centric work environment. This session will delve into the human aspect of our digital workplace, exploring how we can nurture a healthy balance between technology, mental health, performance and productivity.

15.00 – 16.00 – Inspirational Activity

In the afternoon, you will embark on a rejuvenating group walk at Artipelag, where art meets the tranquility of nature. This break is your chance to enjoy the scenic views, discuss ideas, and network while exploring the exquisite art installations. It’s the perfect setting to unwind and find inspiration in the beauty that surrounds us.

15.00 – 17.00 – Continous Digital Upskilling (2 Sessions)

In our closing session, we will focus on Digital Upskilling for all —from leaders to frontline workers. We’ll discuss using diverse communication tools to promote ongoing development and mastery in the digital workplace, ensuring everyone is equipped to innovate and excel from business users to frontine workers.

17.00 – Van Gogh Digital Art Immersion

After a full day of insightful discussions, we invite you to: The Van Gogh Experience at Artipelag. This immersive audiovisual experience is a sensory journey, blending technology and art to bring Van Gogh’s masterpieces to life around you.

18.00 – Dinner & Entertainment

In the soft glow of the endless summer sky, we convene for a gastronomic journey through a 3-course dinner. As night gently settles, the vibrant beats of an ascendant Swedish DJ will elevate the spirit, crafting an atmosphere where art, nature, and music blend seamlessly.

21.00 – Boat ride to Stockholm City

At 9 PM, we will gracefully descend to the pier, embarking on a majestic boat journey back to Stockholm City. This serene voyage offers the perfect setting to continue our dialogues, surrounded by the enchanting beauty of the Stockholm archipelago.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the date of the WorkScape Circle?
The date of WorkScape Circle is August 21th, 2024.
Where is WorkScape Circle located?
WorkScape Circle will take place at Artipelag, located in Gustavberg, Sweden about 20 min from Stockholm City. The address is, Artipelagstigen 1, 134 40 Gustavsberg.
What is the cost of admission to WorkScape Circle?
Admission to WorkScape Circle is $750 (ex. VAT). This includes transportation to and from the venue from Stockholm City, breakfast, lunch, refreshments and a 3-course dinner in the evening.
Are there organized shuttles?
Yes, at 8.00am, at Stockholm Central Station we will jointly get on a bus to Artipelag, a 20 min bus drive. At 9 PM, we will embark on a majestic boat journey back to Stockholm City.
What is the agenda for the day?
You can find a high-level agenda here. A detailed agenda including invited guest speakers will be shared with attendees prior to the event.
Any special dresscode?
A business casual dress code, which means dressing in professional attire but without going overboard.

Register Here


  • Price
    SEK 7950 (Excluding VAT)
  • Start Date
    21, August 2024
  • End Date
    21, August 2024
  • Location
    Artipelag, Sweden
Book your place

Book now for
WorkScape Circle

  • Start Date
    21, August 2024
  • End Date
    21, August 2024
  • Location
    Artipelag, Sweden

1. Choose your pricing and number of seats
SEK 7950 (Excluding VAT)
$750.00 Select seats:
Attendee 1

2. Enter your personal information below.

3. Choose your mode of payment

Select your mode of booking from the drop down below. Please read the Payment methods available before finalizing your booking.

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